Azziad thanks CS Ababu for her new government job

Azziad thanks CS Ababu for her new government job


On Monday, Tik Tok star and radio host Azziad Nasenya expressed her gratitude towards Sports CS Ababu Namwamba for her nomination to a state job. This came after Ababu established the Creatives Technical Committee through a gazette notice on February 10, 2023, and Azziad was selected as a member.

"I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Honorable Ababu Namwamba and the entire Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts team for this opportunity to be part of the Creatives Technical Committee," said Azziad. "I strongly believe in the potential of the creative economy to provide fulfilling careers and income sources, and I am grateful to be a recipient of this."

Comedian Daniel Ndambuki, better known as Churchill, will serve as the chairman of the committee, which will be in place for a three-year period. Other members include Akinyi Odongo, Jimmi Gathu, ‘Akothee’ Akoth, Kizito Makhande, Rosemary Wahu Kagwi, Awadhi Salim Awadhi, Douglas Kipkirui, and Langat Susan Ekasiba.

Azziad promised to give her best in her new role and pledged to fulfill her mandate. "I will use my knowledge and experience as a digital content creator to support the growth of the creative sector and help achieve the vision of Talanta Hela," she said. "I am eager to work alongside my colleagues on the committee and all industry stakeholders to carry out our responsibilities. With your support, I believe the future of the creative economy is bright and that together we can put money in our pockets."

CS Namwamba highlighted that the Creatives Technical Committee will be tasked with proposing effective systems for the collection and distribution of royalties to creatives and creating implementation frameworks for the National Creatives Economy Plan.

Azziad's nomination has been a topic of conversation on social media, with both fans and critics chiming in.

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