A man in Kisii burnt his house and dug a grave after failing to offset his loans

A man in Kisii burnt his house and dug a grave after failing to offset his loans

A man in Kisii burnt his house and dug a grave after failing to offset his debts

A man in Kisii County has caused a stir after he burnt down the houses in his compound and dug a grave for himself which he claimed would be used to bury him when he dies.

According to information on the website of a channel in this country, the family located in the constituency of Nyaribari Masaba Kijiji Cha Ibacho will now have to live without a home after all the houses were set on fire by the father of the house.

It is reported that the man was under stress due to the loan he took to support his family after the Corona epidemic weakened their income and when he could not withstand the pressure from the loan holders, he took the decision to set his house on fire before making an attempt to end his life also where he had already dug a grave to bury his dead.

The depression increased even more after part of his land was taken as compensation for the loan, which pushed the old man to become a doctor of all kinds of alcohol as a way of comforting himself away from the depression that was staring him in the eyes, but you are told that if the distress increases, the plains will appear, for this old man, the plain was in his forehead where he could not bear it at all.

The man was said to be a teacher before the Corona epidemic hit and they took a loan to start a project to build classrooms to start a private school in that area, but all the plans failed and the loan itself had put the title of their farm as collateral.

What saddened the residents was that the man dug his own grave in one of the houses before burning them down, but fortunately he did not succeed in killing himself as he had intended because the government agencies were there for a while and took him into custody where he was taken to the police station in the area waiting to be brought to court on a charge of destroying property and threatening lives.

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