Five Years of the Handshake in Kenyan Politics: Where Do Raila and Ruto Stand Today?

Where Do Raila and Ruto Stand Today?

March 9, 2018, marked a momentous occasion in Kenyan politics, as former political adversaries Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga made headlines with a historic truce known as the Handshake. The Handshake came after a period of political tension in Kenya following the 2017 General Election, where Raila contested the presidential election results that placed him behind Kenyatta.

In response, Raila took an unofficial oath on January 30, 2018, declaring himself the People’s President at Uhuru Park in Nairobi. However, the Handshake between the two political giants marked a turning point in their relationship, as they put their differences aside for the sake of the country's unity.

During the launch of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), Raila disclosed that the Handshake was born out of a grueling 19-hour meeting with his long-time adversary, and that it was not an easy feat to achieve.

Uhuru also revealed that during their initial meeting, the two leaders were unable to discuss anything meaningful due to the anger and insults they had previously hurled at each other. They instead drank tea and exchanged pleasantries about their families.

However, while the Handshake brought the two leaders together, it left a sour taste in the mouth of Kenyatta's deputy, William Ruto, who felt sidelined from the government. The former president later supported Raila in the August 2022 General Election, but Ruto emerged as the winner, leaving questions about the Handshake's fate.

Five years later, as the Handshake anniversary approaches, many are wondering whether Raila and Ruto will also bury their differences and make peace. However, Raila has maintained that he does not recognize Ruto's presidency, viewing it as a strategy to compel the President into a Handshake with him.

On the other hand, President Ruto has made it clear that there will be no Handshake between him and Raila, and that Raila should accept his position as the opposition leader.

With Raila's planned mass action following the expiration of his 14-day ultimatum to the government, all eyes are on him this March 9th. The day not only holds significant historical importance but also carries the weight of expectations for the future of Kenya's political landscape.

Five Years of the Handshake in Kenyan Politics: Where Do Raila and Ruto Stand Today? Five Years of the Handshake in Kenyan Politics: Where Do Raila and Ruto Stand Today? Reviewed by Arnold Krypton on Thursday, March 09, 2023 Rating: 5

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